The man who wanted to prune the grape tree got stuck in the tree as it fell down. noticed and rescued by the village youth
RES 0076 Everyone is in the rescue operation
SEC 0024 Keeping the driver safe
KUR 0082 Saving a man flooded basement
OLY 0051 Newlyweds after mishap
KUR 0077 Rescuing a girl from icy water
AC 0115 Old man accident
ATS 0009 Running from smoke and fire
RES 0074 locals bravely rescued a man with mental challenges
KUR 0071 Police officer saving the life passanger
KUR 0059 Rescuing a woman from suicide attempt
KUR 0056 The well-fallen woman was rescued
He saves his buddy from under the car.
LAC 0010 Effort prevents the car from plunging into the gorge fails
ELD 0007 An old man is stranded on the barrier
RES 0058 Driver rescued from river