Newlyweds in Kerala had a close call when their car fell down a well. People nearby rushed to help.
A potential crash with a truck that veered off the roadway was averted by navigating across the center divider.
A bus nearly collided with the toddler who was strolling on the street, a result of his parents’ distraction.
Amidst the chaos of a hurricane in the Murom district of Russia, people escaped life-threatening danger by carefully crossing over rooftops one after another.
A car nearly hit two people crossing the road during rush hour.
A truck driver recklessly attempted to overtake another truck but misjudged the maneuver, putting the lives of the passengers at serious risk.
A man fell while trying to board a moving train. A nearby cop quickly grabbed the guy’s hand as he almost fell onto the tracks.
At least 20 people traveling to a funeral on a makeshift raft fell into a river in Purnia, Bihar, highlighting the dangers faced in such precarious...
Tourists freaked out when a frozen lake suddenly cracked during their adventure on January 4 at Lake Sela, near Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh, India.
In the Adapazarı area of Sakarya, a woman crossing the street was struck by an initial vehicle, and shortly after, a second vehicle collided with the...
A young girl narrowly avoided being struck by a runaway vehicle with a single movement.
Two flights nearly collided on a runway in Maharashtra, India, highlighting a serious danger. A major accident was averted.
In the accident in Ceyhan, Adana, three vehicles were damaged and one person was injured when a car entered the blind spot of a truck.
A man who turned on the ignition without putting the car in neutral while it was still in gear was fortunate to escape injury when the...
The girl who was swinging fell, and the other one had a close call.
The car, which thought it could pass the truck by overtaking it, collided with the truck coming from the opposite direction as it was about to...
A large piece of ice fell very close to a cleaning woman who was shoveling snow in front of her workplace, and she narrowly escaped death.
While the cars were halted at the pedestrian crossing, a minibus came dangerously close to colliding with a woman who was crossing the street.
A ship’s stuck, drifting toward the Bosphorus shore. Luckily, another boat saw it and prevented a collision.
A dude was trying to heat the shop and poured gas on the stove, and his friend almost got burned.
Child falls out of car because mom didn’t buckle them in.
Some dumb military truck ran over a guy and his kid on the pedestrian path.
A car that lost control during a rally race nearly hit the spectators, but they avoided being struck thanks to their quick reflexes.
The barrier opened prematurely, and the driver became stuck on the tracks. Fortunately, a timely maneuver closed the barrier and averted a collision with an approaching...
A rupture in the trolleybus cable caused the signal lamp post to topple over, posing a danger to those walking nearby.
A truck with busted brakes crashed into a car while trying to squeeze between vehicles on the icy road.
A car collided with the gate of a house, with another vehicle parked nearby. A woman walking ahead came to investigate the situation. As she got...