The barrier opened prematurely, and the driver became stuck on the tracks. Fortunately, a timely maneuver closed the barrier and averted a collision with an approaching...
An employee at a car rental company parks a car in a tricky spot.
This driver is so smart and kind – they hit cars to protect children.
On a coffee break with friends, the bus driver spotted the broken handbrake and halted the bus.
The truck drove on the median, and many people signaled the driver to stop.
The vehicle, which had a moment of lost control on the road, could reverse smoothly.
The guy driving on the road almost got buried under a landslide, but he saved himself by reversing
The driver avoids a big accident by making a quick maneuver when they see it coming.
The dude who went into the empty water channel somehow managed to get out.
It’s advisable to be cautious when driving on a road covered in snow.
There is a young man in the neighborhood who is trained in stunting and is using his car to practice.
The shocking video of the biker perched atop the car after the collision with the vehicle.
When the driver, who took the highway to turn left, was undecided, panicked, and could not move, the competent driver acted quickly and prevented the accident.
Vehicle running backward from the SUV that lost control of the slope on the snow
The skilled driver did not hit the passing dog by maneuvering on time.
Sensing that the oncoming vehicle was hit, the driver escaped the crash with a sudden reaction.
While the truck, whose brakes lost control, was going downhill, the vehicle behind the truck moved just in time and avoided being hit.
Realizing that he had hit the man on the motorcycle, the truck driver maneuvered very quickly to save the motorcyclist.
The driver’s reaction saved this pedestrian woman’s life
Pedestrians, who noticed the incident, avoided being hit at the last second as the vehicle used by the old man lost control and came over the...
The driver makes a very effective maneuver to avoid hitting the pedestrian crossing the street
The truck driver, who made a sharp turn due to haste, almost tilted the truck but managed to save it.
Biker going on an unusual motorcycle trip with his girlfriend
While the roads were slippery in snowy weather, the speeding driver lost control and was able to stop without hitting any vehicle.
The driver keeps his family away from the accident with quick maneuvers from the danger of wrong overtaking.
People who want to go to holiday party crossing river without bridge
When the woman who wanted to commit suicide threw herself in front of the truck, the driver did not hit the woman with a successful maneuver.