A drunk man is walking on power lines, and the reason is unknown.
Ukrainian soldiers got drunk and smashed a tank into an electric pole, wrecking it.
Young guy, totally drunk, ends up torching his busted car with gasoline.
A woman in Pune, India, beat up a drunk guy who harassed her.
A drunk dude in the park thought his lighter was a phone and tried to call his mom.
A drunk person walking home loses their bearings and stumbles backward.
A drunk tourist lost it and jumped down when he couldn’t get into his hotel room.
He climbed over to his friend for a beer and fell, breaking them all.
A drunk guy got saved by locals when a huge python crawled over him in central India’s Andhra Pradesh.
Youngsters gave a drunk cop a beating for preaching about drinking in public.
A dude who has a few drinks and dances on a table during fiesta.
The drunk dude is struggling to stay upright on his bike and has already tumbled off.
The man who insisted he wasn’t hammered and was behind the wheel ended up hitting an electric pole later.
The man, who sought shelter from the rain and was smoking beside the group huddled under the eaves, was suddenly shoved down the stairs.
Some jerk drank a beer and wrecked a trash can and a bus stop.
People were going nuts, snatching up liquor bottles that the cops were supposed to destroy.
The insane driver kept smashing his truck into the hotel, even hitting a parked car.
The new year begins in Russia with a wild punch-up.
The dude was wasted on his phone and fell into a hole because he wasn’t paying attention.
The conductor kicked the drunk guy off the tracks.
A group of teenagers is recklessly drinking beer in the park, which causes a keg to explode.
Drunk people who acted like kids fell while having a blast at the playground.
Inebriated, a man drinks three beers and begins to brawl with himself in front of a mirror.
The intoxicated woman fell heavily while performing a table dance after the engagement ceremony.
Drunks sitting in the park drinking alcohol got into a fight for no reason
This dude’s tragic story ends with him drinking fire-infused vodka, all thanks to his friends.
Soldiers secretly drink vodka and ride on an amphibious tank on the lake, unbeknownst to their commanders.