Whats young boy doing as a fun.
Actually, a form of identification is the unconscious manifestation of an emotional bond.
that is, a sign that you are internalizing the object you are imitating.
TR 0034 Dude carries his friend with his mouth.
TLN 0022 Drummer who performs with his teeth
SKL 0047 Dude lifts cement bag with teeth
PK 0064 Dude smashed a drink with his head
PK 0062 Pakistan got a talent.
SKL 0046 Creative locomotive operators
SKL 0045 Responsive operator
SKL 0044 Skilled operator
KOM 0084 A car from plane wreckage
SKL 0043 Bike wheel repair is easy
SKL 0039 Holly vodka skill
SKL 00038 The art of opening cans
TLN 0017 Soda can blues
SKL 0037 Skilled drum player
TLN 0016 Saving tea glass