HY 0095 Elk crossing the road dangerously
elk crossing
elk crossing
When the habitats of wild animals are occupied, animals enter our areas with dangerous way
MAH 0014 Ostrich escapes from barn
COD 0015 Foolish teens taking risk for fun
HYA 0028 Dogs attacking lone woman
HYA 0026 Provoked elephant goes on rampage
TRP 0075 Avoiding runaway truck crash
KED 0018 The cat opens the door like this
DNG 0018 Hunting mice in a narrow room
KUS 0007 Parakeet having mating
IT 0048 Mean stray dog attacks poor kid
KUS 0005 A rooster feeding his hen
DRV 0096 Avoiding accident at busy highway
HYR 0061 Pig rescue with excavator
HY 0232 Elephant plays soccer
ANM 0108 Wounded wolf seeking help
MAY 0005 A monkey took a crazy leap onto a car