NAT 0025 The snow brought down that tree
FIG 0032 Lane clash of vehicles
CRS 0077 Car crash into a shop
ME 0091 Lucky man under the flying roof
WEA 0096 The roof was blown off by strong winds.
KUR 0076 An elderly woman caught in a blizzard
WEA 0095 Flag moving in the rain
WEA 0094 Dumpster on flood water
KAZ 0129 Reduce speed in urban areas
KAZ 0129 The board was thrust into the car by the strong wind, like an arrow.
ME 0090 Rain falling only in one spot
AC 0115 Old man accident
AC 0114 The accident was caused by a tractor that made a sudden turn.
ST 0046 A couple fell into a well after their car went off the road
OLY 0037 The vehicles collided at the intersection