Two brave pilots land in a shallow lake and fill their planes with water. The action of pilots who set an example of courage for forest fires by putting their lives at risk was respected.
TR 0034 Dude carries his friend with his mouth.
ZIH 0008 How carry motorcycles in Pakistan
TLN 0021 Talented dozer operator
ZIH 0006 Astronaut training at 10 G
SLK 0057 lumberjacks showed some true skills
IDO 0040 Cargo plane pilot at the airport
PLN 0012 Jumping from boat to helicopter
BNS 0036 Simple garden cleaning
FAL 0177 Unsuccessful take-off of a seaplane
SKL 0039 Holly vodka skill
SKL 00038 The art of opening cans
SKL 0037 Skilled drum player
AF 0009 Mobile breakfaster
TLN 0016 Saving tea glass
SKL 0036 Karachi Acrobats