An ordinary citizen opposed, the angry local gangs drifting in the streets and squares in Istanbul Bagcilar. Then big melee started
SAR 0062 Rival villagers fight with beer bottles
RR 0063 The athlete’s morning exercise is kung fu
DOV 0011 Pushing the guy front of moving car
RR 0059 Pulling over for a brawl
KOP 0056 When the dog attacked the scooter
FIC 0031 Consert fight
YOL 0038 Passengers and drivers getting into a brawl
MX 0012 Mexican-style street fight
FIG 0026 Keep going until you’re pooped
DOV 0001 Great wedding fight
KAV 0128 Drunk hood members’ street fight
FIG 0023 Russian street fighters
FIG 0022 Bone-breaking fight
FIG 0019 Senior citizen fight
KAV 0125 Punks hitting tough guys