If you do not know the length of your vehicle, do not park close to where the trams passing without brake limit
ELK 0011 Two guys got zapped while lugging around an iron ladder.
GEM 0001 Ship landing fails
OLY 0032 Manhole cover smashes scouters
AC 0112 Ice piece broke windshield
OLY 0031 The red light is being ignored
LAB 0023 Workmanship was revealed
KAZ 0127 Kid smashes his father
CRS 0061 Speeding car hits woman
PLN 0033 Aircraft fails to landing
YKL 0089 Wall was demolished while they waiting
WEA 0074 A normal day in Moscow
OLB 0013 A man is reading a meter on a suspended ceiling
BAS 0103 Individual fell from the top of the truck onto the asphalt
BAS 0102 Mechanic’s troubles kick off with the assistant
GEN 0007 Dude constantly rehearses jumping