DNG 0018 Hunting mice in a narrow room
KUS 0007 Parakeet having mating
IT 0048 Mean stray dog attacks poor kid
MOY 0010 A wounded moose attacked a hunter
KUS 0005 A rooster feeding his hen
AYI 0050 Beekeeper chases honey stealing bears
HYR 0061 Pig rescue with excavator
AYI 0049 Active bears in the neighborhood
HY 0232 Elephant plays soccer
AYI 0048 Bears that don’t hibernate
ANM 0108 Wounded wolf seeking help
MAY 0005 A monkey took a crazy leap onto a car
MAH 0010 Tiger in zoo park
AYI 0047 Feeding a wild bear that he encountered on the road.
SOF 0010 Daily routine of a minibus driver