Driver who unable to control anger, attacked with golf club all scene recorded by a dashcam
SAR 0062 Rival villagers fight with beer bottles
RR 0063 The athlete’s morning exercise is kung fu
RR 0062 Road rage evolved to raming with car
RR 0061 Fight gives meaning to life.
DOV 0011 Pushing the guy front of moving car
RR 0060 Don’t mess with a boxer on the road
UDR 0005 Two boxers in traffic
KAD 0006 A vehicle swerving through traffic
RR 0059 Pulling over for a brawl
KOP 0056 When the dog attacked the scooter
FIG 0032 Lane clash of vehicles
RR 0058 A determined fighter and driver
RR 0057 Road rage involving honking
RR 0056 A daring showdown on the road
RR 0055 Poor dude had a road fight with the mafia