Two good people working at the farm field found a dog inside the tree? They rescued the dog, by cutting the tree. Still unknown how it got into the tree
DOG 0032 Dog like shoes too much
TR 0073 Gas Station attendant and dog
HYA 0022 A man is scared of a small dog
IT 0047 Street dogs intervening in fights
DOG 0027 Dog tangled gate rescued
DOG 0030 Dog rescued from flood water
DOG 0028 Dog rescued head stuck at milk container
KOP 0055 Happy ending stray dog
IT 0045 Two courageous dogs taking on lions
KOP 0054 A stray dog that follows the rules
IT 0044 Dog separates quarreling calves
IT 0043 Happy dog
IT 0042 This help was crucial
DOG 0025 Dog in distress saved from plastic jar entrapment
KUR 0050 Dog rescue on icy lake