The boat speeding in the lake also cleans its environment. If you are just standing at shore lake be careful it may clean up you too
ANG 0035 Trying new gadget
PLN 0031 Helicopter had a near-miss
GEM 0002 How to flipover fishing boat
GEM 0001 Ship landing fails
OLB 0014 Trying stop a truck with hand
LAB 0023 Workmanship was revealed
PLN 0033 Aircraft fails to landing
LAC 0028 Old bridge crossing
OLB 0013 A man is reading a meter on a suspended ceiling
DVR 0065 Novice fisherman’s trick fails
BAS 0103 Individual fell from the top of the truck onto the asphalt
LAC 0027 Pinata gone wrong
BAS 0102 Mechanic’s troubles kick off with the assistant
GEN 0007 Dude constantly rehearses jumping
RU 0162 Outdoor activities in Russia