The best and easiest food bread making varies according to the countries but bakers are different
TLN 0025 Dude playing with melted metal
SKL 0049 Skillful car body repair guy
TLN 0024 Worker lifting 250 kilos at a time
LAB 0024 Professional snow blower
SKL 0039 Holly vodka skill
SKL 00038 The art of opening cans
TLN 0017 Soda can blues
SKL 0037 Skilled drum player
TLN 0016 Saving tea glass
SKL 0036 Karachi Acrobats
SKL 0035 Sniper in the desert
GA 0042 Taking a nap in Van
TLN 0015 Dental Hercules showing his virtues
SKL 0033 Talented street performer
SKL 0032 Talented grocer’s apprentice