An impatient driver’s wrong overtaking caused the car driving in its line in great danger
RUP 0023 Rally car evacuation failed
CLP 0007 The sewer truck fell into the basement
ELD 0014 An ambulance hit a pedestrian at a major health hub
YAY 0073 Without bumping into pedestrians
AT 0017 Beware of stray horses
CAR 0001 The car slammed into a wall
TTR 0007 Tow truck lost cargo
MUC 0007 Avoiding a collision on the highway
LAC 0035 End up splashing into a pool while you’re in a car
TRN 0015 Passenger slips while boarding train
GEM 0005 The raft carrying the crowd of men sank
OLY 0046 A woman was hit by two cars in a crosswalk
MOY 0009 Switched to high beam in time
MUC 0003 Escape death in one step
OLB 0026 Fence fell on a car