When people cannot find justice in the courts, they look for themselves in the streets. two hostile families attack each other at court exit
MX 0012 Mexican-style street fight
FIG 0026 Keep going until you’re pooped
DCR 0003 Catching criminals in Costa Rica
FIG 0025 Fight scenes at the ice rink
KAD 0004 Finding trouble on the way
DOV 0004 Russian hooligan fighting
DOV 0001 Great wedding fight
FEA 0015 Desperation can make you do stupid stuff
KAV 0128 Drunk hood members’ street fight
FIG 0023 Russian street fighters
FIG 0022 Bone-breaking fight
KAD 0003 The universe has given him back what he deserves.
FIG 0019 Senior citizen fight
KAV 0125 Punks hitting tough guys
PK 0054 Hunter karma is real