DOV 0012 Keep going on the vehicle’s hood
TRN 0015 Passenger slips while boarding train
DOV 0011 Pushing the guy front of moving car
OLB 0024 Young girl falls from bus
RR 0059 Pulling over for a brawl
CRS 0079 The vehicle crashed into the milk tank with a powerful impact
KOP 0056 When the dog attacked the scooter
KOM 0104 The driver dreamed he got into an accident
DRV 0092 A young man was left hanging from a moving bus
ELD 0013 Grandma’s wrath
FIC 0031 Consert fight
OTO 0003 Giving birth on a bus
SOF 0005 Mad driver rams hotel
YOL 0038 Passengers and drivers getting into a brawl
MX 0012 Mexican-style street fight