WEA 0091 Roads after 10 minutes of rain
HYR 0050 Cow fals into deep well
LAB 0024 Professional snow blower
TR 0149 Turkish tea creates a cozy atmosphere.
AC 0112 Ice piece broke windshield
ME 0088 Black sea flood
MAH 0009 Love story
WEA 0090 Truck swept away in a watercourse
KUR 0053 Good folks saved the antelope
DOG 0030 Dog rescued from flood water
POL 0047 Police rescuing a man in the flood
KUR 0068 His rescue has been hailed as a “miracle”
HV 0121 The monsoon tragedy
KUS 0001 To hydrate a parched pigeon
E 0085 Fellas who venture to the sea in the rain