The driver, napping on the long road, changed line and collided head-on with the oncoming truck
OLY 0053 Speeding vehicle hitting snow drift
KAM 0043 Truck losing control on ramp
LAC 0041 Crash test fails
OLY 0052 Car flips over while driving
TRP 0076 Acid tanker had an accident
TTR 0008 Everything’s on tape
ACS 0094 It’s all about chance
ACS 0093 SUV crash ends in miraculous escape
ACS 0092 Miraculously slipped between two oncoming trucks
LAC 0038 The trunk door fails
KAM 0041 Speeding cement mixer crash
OLY 0050 Two trucks crashed into the same vehicle
VEL 0031 Speeding car hit motorcycle rider
HV 0123 Snow bits all over and a window smashed
RUP 0023 Rally car evacuation failed