Market thief interestingly put the stolen goods in the basket thinking he would be caught
DNG 0017 Rag scarecrow theft
CRI 0083 Young girls killed dog
SEC 0023 Market securty defending costumer
SOY 0014 Kid stealing scouter
CRS 0072 Vehicle skidding on road crashed backwards
CRI 0077 Female thief captured by camera
AC 0110 School bus overturns in collision
CAN 0060 Mouse steals diamond necklace
SOY 0012 Spider thief cutting wires
CRM 0046 Stealing gold from a car
CRM 0045 Broad daylight robbery
DMB 0111 Annoyance with airport security searches
SOY 0010 Stealing a gold bracelet by sleight of hand
IRQ 0007 Stealing money from a safe box
CRI 0055 Stealing animals from the truck bed