SL 0035 Woodcutters just starting out
OLB 0028 Dude falls into baptismal pool
LAC 0037 Heavy lifter dreams ends
BER 0005 Comrades going kebab party
YAY 0074 Oldman rulling the traffic
SPR 0028 Playing bowling in the gym
KOM 0107 Cayanne pepper is important
KUS 0007 Parakeet having mating
ZIH 0013 The swindler’s ritual of purification
FN 0048 Cleaning jobs in italy
OLB 0022 Throwing phone instead of stones
DNG 0017 Rag scarecrow theft
LAC 0034 Goalkeeping skills in football in Nigeria
OLY 0043 Funny accident at road
AF 0016 Transporting cows on roof of vehicle