While the police car was chasing the thieves’ car, the families of the thieves blocked the police car’s path and prevented the police from following it.
RUP 0022 Family fun excavator
CRM 0054 Police officer thwarts robbery
RID 0106 Brutal riding criminals dragged a young girl
CRI 0080 Brutal Robbery
CRI 0079 Beating the shopkeeper over free drinks
LAC 0023 The blissful family picnic ended sadly
CRI 0077 Female thief captured by camera
RID 0101 Police Beat dudes For Riding Bike
SOY 0013 Thieves tie and drag ATM
GER 0007 Passenger theft on the train
CRM 0055 Burqa-Clad assailants robbing jeweler shop
POL 0041 They all lend a hand to each other
CRM 0052 Criminals pulled off a goat robbery in broad daylight
CRM 0051 Some jerks raided a moving truck
POL 0037 Dumb police officer