The vehicle that violated the red light broke into two by carpeting the car in the other direction. The driver of the divided vehicle got up on his feet without injury.
GEN 0006 Girl struck by reversing car
KAM 0017 Biker narrowly escapes death
VEL 0026 Female biker got stuck in the bike chain
AC 0109 Bus narrowly avoided a major catastrophe
CRS 0068 Driverless bus hits woman and child
YOL 0036 People narrowly escape from car crash
VEL 0025 Hitting three scouters at once
YKL 0076 Female barely avoids falling wall
MUC 0001 Girl survived lightning strikes while making reels on the terrace.
BIS 0039 Biker narrowly escapes from death
IND 0001 The streets are filled with bamboo
DRV 0079 Bus drove into the candy store
RID 0098 Lucky biker
KUR 0052 Two young dudes miraculously survived a car accident
KAM 0020 A truck plowed into a crowd