The piece of ice that fell from the truck passing from the road was shattered on the windshield of the car moving in traffic
KAM 0043 Truck losing control on ramp
OLY 0052 Car flips over while driving
TRP 0076 Acid tanker had an accident
KAM 0041 Speeding cement mixer crash
HV 0123 Snow bits all over and a window smashed
CAR 0001 The car slammed into a wall
CRS 0083 Speeding SUV crashed
CRS 0082 Car suddenly turning right from the left lane
LAC 0035 End up splashing into a pool while you’re in a car
ATS 0011 The car was entirely consumed by flames
KAZ 0129 Truck’s blind spot accident
TRP 0073 Truck lost control at slipery road
KAM 0038 The container fell out of the truck
DNG 0016 Three-wheeled Toyota car
DRV 0095 The driver is out cold and still overtaking.